Tuesday, December 14, 2010

One line a day journal

A while back I was cruising around THIS blog, and found a link to a super cute journal.  I MEAN SUPER COOL, CUTE, AMAZAING, USABLE, and FUN journal.  I looked at it, thought it was a good idea, and then went about my day.  BUT THEN I was cruising around Amazon (is that not what you do to find Christmas presents???)  and found the ACTUAL journal from that post.  SOOOOO cool. 
Now I didn't really get it until I clicked on the book (on the Amazon page) and looked inside.  It is a five year journal, but each day of the year has a page.  SOOOO January 1st will have 5 entries (one for each year for 5 years) on it.  That way you can look back and see what was happening the previous year (or 4 years) GET IT???? 
PLUS you can only write a sentence or so.  I would imagine writing a funny kid comment or a one liner to remember that day.  HOW FUN!!! 
I have not ordered this yet...YET, but it is on my to do list.  SOMEDAY!!! 
Also on my to-do list....make a cute area in my house so that "cute little journal" has a nice comfy home....Maybe I better just let it live over at Camille's house:)  This picture was shamelessy stolen from her blog by the way...at my house "cute little journal" would probably be lost at the bottom of the toybox right now OR lost under the pile of crap on my coffee table...just sayin'!!!

1 comment:

marciekoch said...

I have that saved in my cart on amazon too.....that Camille gets me every time!