Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Burning the scrambled eggs....

Is anyone else a super messy cook????  NO, just me. Hmmm??!!! Well I cannot deny that EVERY time I finish cooking my stove looks pretty much like this...
 I am not sure if it has anything to do with my need for speed and dislike of low cook setting or what.  BUT WOWZA what a mess!!!  So I was so thrilled when I read about HOW TO CLEAN A FLAT/CERAMIC STOVE in one of the cleaning books I recently read ( not sure which one because they are already back at the library...oops!!).  Anyway...normally I use a special stovetop cleaner and a little elbow grease and get my stove pretty clean....when I manage to get the time to clean it at all that is.  BUT I found my new found tip so helpful I thought I would share.  HERE GOES....The answer is Baking Soda. YEP.  Worked WAY better than the stuff I bought in the store.  You just sprinkle it on (I use enough to cover the whole yucky mess) and then sprinkle some water over it. Then I used a toothbrush to scrub off the yuck.  I took a picture after just a few weak scrubs---comes off super easy. 

I also read that if it is REALLY cooked on.  Do the same thing but throw a little vinegar on top of the baking soda.  It is gets all fizzy...but I am not sure it worked any better than straight backing soda. 
In case you cannot tell...this totally rocked my world!!!!  Simple pleasures in the day of a stay at home mom I guess:)


Kelly said...

I am trying this TONIGHT!!! Thanks for the tip.

Sheri said...

Thanks for the tip. I just ran out of the ceramic cleaner and had just purchased a big bag of baking soda. This is my lucky day. Thanks for taking the time to share. I love your blog. I am an "older" mom and am excited to share your blog with my three daughters.